Why Do I Need To Use Financial Consulting Service?
Long-term care insurance is a type of insurance facility available for residents living in Canada
A Registered Education Savings Plan, or RESP, is an investment vehicle used by parents to save for their children's post-secondary education in Canada. Start planning today.
Currently, visitors to Canada usually may only visit for six months at a time. Most visitors who wish to stay longer must apply for an extension, and pay a new fee, every six months. The Super Visa may be a solution.
Permanent policy has same premium for a life of the policy or/and life insured age. Permanent policy has limited pay option too, which may help to pay in early age and coverage remain for rest of the life.
We offer free consultations to all of our potential clients. This allows us to ensure we’re providing you with the best financial advice or life insurance. You’re free to come into our office for your consultation or, we can do it over the phone or whatever is most convenient for you. Whether you required personal insurance consultation or a full service investment firm, Jay Financial will be the one umbrella to cover all your financial needs! Call us at 647-894-5727 to schedule your free Non-obligation consultation.
Our services are Professional & Reliable. We do business on hand shake. Please contact us for any information. You may contact us by phone 647-894-5727 or by Email: jaygandhi1102@gmail.com
Long-term care insurance is a type of insurance facility available for residents living in Canada
Long-term care insurance is a type of insurance facility available for residents living in Canada